Sunday, January 4, 2015

Ethics in Information Technology Case Study

1.There are many ethical issues about which people hold very strong opinions—abortion, gun control, and the death penalty, to name a few. If you were a team member on a project with someone whom you knew held an opinion different from yours on one of these issues, would it affect your ability to work effectively with this person? Why or why not?

For me, as a professional it will not affect my work, everyone of us have our own opinion regarding on something. That opinion will not be a hindrance on my relationship to my co-worker. That will not be a big deal on our work, it is not that opinion we based our work. As long as my co-worker will respect my opinion as well as how I respected their opinion also. As long as our opinions will be not make a complication on our work.
2. Identify two important life experiences that helped you defined your own personal code of ethics.
The first important experience of my life that defined my own personal code of ethics is whenever I’m on the street If  ever I see someone setting on the side or I should say beggars, asking for a money or a food, I will never hesitate to give to them. Even I don’t have extra I will give it to them. I always think that I can borrow money from my friends so I give mine. I have a big heart to those kind of people. I fell sorry and pity for them. I always care about others, always willing to help those in need.
The second one is my attitude. I always maintain a positive attitude, always respectful, always loyal, always loyal, never arrogant. I know what I am here in this world. I know how to deal different people.
3. Do you think that the importance of ethical behavior in business is increasing or decreasing? Define your position.
I think that the importance of ethical behavior in business is increasing because it is started within yourself. You have ethics when you know how to recognize the difference between right and wrong and consistently strive to set an example of good conduct. In a business setting, being ethical means applying principles of honesty and fairness to relationships with coworkers and customers. Ethical individuals make an effort to treat everyone with whom they come in contact as they would want to be treated themselves. If the employees has a good ethical behavior it will build customer loyalty, the customers will trust you and they want to make business with you. Retain good employees in the organization will be a great opportunity for the organization because you know that your business is in good hands.  In the business the employees will love to work in positive work environment   it means that each employees have one goal to be successful in gain more customer and they treated each other like a family so it is nice to work when you know that the people around that you can trust. If the employees in a business has an ethical behavior it will avoid legal problems  because they know what are the rules they need to follow so there’s no reason that they will violate the laws.
4. Do you believe than an organization should be able to escape criminal liability for the acts of its employees if it has acted as a responsible corporate citizen, making strong efforts to prevent and detect misconduct in the workplace. Why or why not?
The organization will not be  able to escape from criminal liability that their employees acted. Even if the organization conducted the ethical training to all the employees, you will not if all your employees put in their hearts the training they participated. Whatever the employees criminal doing, the organization will be affected, the name, the  company’s reputation. Maybe you will loss a valued customers. It’s harsh but it is true. The mistake of one, everybody will be suffer. You can’t hide that mistake, if you do so, you are not a good example for your company and what you are doing also a crime and unethical behavior.
5. Is it possible for an employee to be successful in the workplace without acting ethically?
 The employee will be not be successful or no future in a workplace if they won’t act ethically or lack ethical standards, the employer risks losing valuable  customers and possibly even more if his employee has an unethical behavior. The reputation of the company will be affected on what their employees criminal wrongdoing.  So if your doing like this, the company doesn’t need you anymore. And wherever company you will apply for work no one will accept you because you have already bad records you’re your past company that will reflect to the other company.

6. Should software piracy within the boundaries of third world countries to be tolerated to allow those countries an opportunity to move into the information age?
On my opinion I don’t like to tolerate software piracy in the third world countries. It is not proper to do such criminal doing like this. Let us consider the people who made the software for the good purpose, do you know how much effort and time computer professionals put into developing a piece of software? Do you know when you buy a piece of copied software in the market or download it illegally, it is an offense? Doing this, you are committing a felony and working against computer ethics and marginalizing the hard work, efforts, and time put in developing computer applications. This is a kind of discouragement for the computer fraternity, which discourages them and denies them the fair payment they so readily deserve.
But for the good purpose I will agree but with the permission of the developer. We still don’t know if the third world countries will use the software in a good terms. Educating consumers about copyright laws and tougher law enforcement helps reduce piracy. Many developing countries is less mature so they need to be educated on the computer world.

7. Is ethics training really just a waste of time that will not change the behavior of the employee?
Ethics training is not a waste of time, this is the very first important thing to be conducted in the organization. Small-business owners must be able to trust their staff members implicitly. Employees are intimately involved in the workings of the business, so owners must know that the company is in responsible and ethical hands. Training workers about professional ethics is an excellent way of setting standards and teaching your staff the importance of integrity in business.  Ethics training is highly recommended for fostering a trustworthy working environment. Many employees have a general sense of right and wrong, but may not understand the legal intricacies of their business enough to identify and not engage in unethical activities. Additionally, there is sometimes confusion about the often-subtle differences between illegal and unethical behavior. Proper training helps keep each employee informed, while hopefully preventing errors in judgement that cast a negative light on the company.

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